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In most issues of the IOSFS journals Orff-Schulwerk Information and Orff-Schulwerk Today you will find announcements and reports on conferences, their themes and programmes, reports from individual Associated Schools and Institutions as well as other news under the heading: Aus dem Internationalen Orff-Schulwerk Forum Salzburg/From the International Orff-Schulwerk Forum Salzburg (



Articles in Orff-Schulwerk Informationen / Orff-Schulwerk Heute in English

Haselbach, B. (2011) The Orff-Schulwerk Forum – Centre of the international network. Orff-Schulwerk Informationen 85, 271

Haselbach, B. (2011) How and why Orff-Schulwerk Associations are founded. Orff-Schulwerk Informationen 85, 272

Haselbach, B (2011) The International Orff-Schulwerk Symposia. Orff-Schulwerk Informationen 85, 291

Kotzian, R.,López-Ibor, S. (2014) Pro and Contra: Why should I become a member of an Orff-Schulwerk association? Orff-Schulwerk Heute 90, 85-87 

Haselbach, B (2014) Associated Schools and Institutions – a network. Orff-Schulwerk Heute 91, 86-88

Haselbach, B. (2015) The Orff-Schulwerk Forum Salzburg, an international network of Orff-Schulwerk associations and associated schools/institutions, Orff-Schulwerk Heute 92, 93-95

Haselbach, B & Salmon, S. (2015) Joint Project  for associated schools and institutions. Orff-Schulwerk Heute 93, 90

Haselbach, B. (2019) The Development of the IOSFS from 1994 to 2018, Orff-Schulwerk Heute 100, 80-84



Articles in Orff-Schulwerk Informationen / Orff-Schulwerk Heute in German

Haselbach, B. (2011) Das Orff-Schulwerk Forum – Zentrum des internationalen Netzwerks. Orff-Schulwerk Informationen 85, 270

Haselbach, B. (2011) Wie und warum entstehen Orff-Schulwerk Gesellschaften. Orff-Schulwerk Informationen 85, 272

Haselbach, B (2011) Die Internationalen Orff-Schulwerk-Symposien. Orff-Schulwerk Informationen 85, 291

Haselbach, B (2014) Assoziierte Schulen und Institutionen – ein Netzwerk. Orff-Schulwerk Heute 91, 83-85

Haselbach, B. (2015) Das Orff-Schulwerk Forum Salzburg – ein internationales Netzwerk der Orff-Schulwerk-Gesellschaften und assoziierten Schulen und Institutionen. Orff-Schulwerk Heute 92, 89-92



Articles in The Orff Echo

Haselbach, B. (2018) Orff Schulwerk Dissemination: Background and Commentary from the International Orff Schulwerk Forum Salzburg. The Orff Echo, 50(2), 10-15

Stewart, C. (2022) Update on the International Orff-Schulwerk Forum Salzburg. The Orff Echo, 54(3), 10-15 

Haselbach, B. (2023) Associated Schools and Institutions Network of the International Orff-Schulwerk Forum Salzburg. The Orff Echo 55(2), 44-48



Articles on presentations at IOSFS conventions in Orff-Schulwerk International

Keynotes and presentations from the Convention 2021, Orff-Schulwerk International, 1(1)

Keynotes and presentations from the Convention 2022, , Orff-Schulwerk International, 1(2)

Keynotes and presentations from the Convention 2023, Orff-Schulwerk International, 2(2)



Articles from the Network of Associated Schools and Institutions (ASI)


López-Ibor, S & Boonprakong, K. (2010) Jittamett Kindergarten, Bangkok, Thailand. Orff-Schulwerk Informationen 84, 70-73

Angerer, G, Mikulik, C & Wirsching, R. (2012) Carl Orff-Volksschule Traunwalchen, Germany. Orff-Schulwerk Informationen 86, 54-60 

Goodkin, D & Lopez-Ibor, S. (2012) The San Francisco School – a special place for Orff-Schulwerk. Orff-Schulwerk Informationen 87, 68-7

Auernig, F. (2013) Carl Orff-Schule ALEV in Istanbul, Turkey. Orff-Schulwerk Informationen 88, 61-66

Sarropoulou, K. (2013) The Moraitis School, Athens, Greece. Orff-Schulwerk Informationen 89, 84-92

Sangiorgio, A.  (2014) The Centro Didattico Musicale, Rome, Italy. Orff-Schulwerk Heute 90, 58-62

Schüssel, J. (2014) Die Carl-Orff Grundschule in Andechs, Germany. Orff-Schulwerk Heute 91, 63-68

Grüner, R. & Schock, B. (2016) Carl Orff-Grundschule Altenerding, Germany. Orff-Schulwerk Heute 94, 90-93

Kling, B. (2016) Carl Orff Schule, Diessen am Ammersee, Germany. Orff-Schulwerk Heute 95, 71-75

Lavas, M. (2017) Art Kindergarten Konsti, Kerava, Finland. Orff-Schulwerk Heute 97, 68-70 

Galtieri, C & Paduano, C. (2018) Scuola Popolare di Musica Donna Olimpia – Rome, Italy. Orff-Schulwerk Heute 99, 72-76

Haselbach et. al. (2015) Cooperation with parents. Reports of the Associated Schools of the IOSFS. Orff-Schulwerk Heute 100, 56-64



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‘Orff-Schulwerk International’ is a new publication from the IOSFS that is available online. The Journal will be published twice yearly.

Between 1964-2019, the IOSFS published 100 issues of the bi-annual and bilingual magazine concerning Elemental Music and Dance Education,  formerly called "Orff-Schulwerk Informationen." All 100 issues can be accessed here.

The IOSFS has published a series of texts on the theory and practice of Orff-Schulwerk that have been published in many different languages. Further volumes are being planned. 

The IOSFS has also published collections of texts and documentations from the Symposia that are held  every five years. 


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