"Orff-Schulwerk Heute" (formely "Orff-Schulwerk Informationen") is a biannual, bilingual (German/English) magazine concerning Elemental Music and Dance Education (Orff-Schulwerk). It was founded in 1964 and developed from a 16-page leaflet to a magazine of about 120 pages.
The purpose of the magazine is to inform graduates and interested colleagues working in this area as well as the community of Orff-Schulwerk Associations and Associated Schools and Institutions about new developments and experiences in the area of Elemental Music and Dance Education related to the concept of Carl Orff and Gunild Keetman and its further development.
Each issue has a main theme of common interest for all readers and informs about current activities at the Orff Institute and the International Orff-Schulwerk Forum Salzburg, from time to time also about news from the Carl Orff Foundation and the Orff Centre Munich. The magazine also offers a platform for exchange between all international Orff-Schulwerk Associations and Associated Schools and Institutions, reviews new publications and provides information about courses and conferences in various countries.
Until 2019 the magazine was supported financially by the Orff Institute, the Mozarteum University Salzburg and the Carl Orff Foundation. Because these institutions stopped their support, the magazine cannot be produced for the time being.
All 100 issues are available online. (See below)
The issues No. 85 and No. 93 to 100 are available in print form (5,00 € each) from the Mozarteum University Online Store
Issues Nos. 1-2 Hermann Regner
Issues Nos. 3-8 Wilhelm Keller
Issues Nos. 9-32 Lilo Gersdorf
Issues Nos. 33-50 Hermann Regner and Rudolf Nykrin
Issues Nos. 51-57 Rudolf Nykrin and Barbara Haselbach
Issues Nos. 58-90 Barbara Haselbach
Issue No. 91 Micaela Grüner, Barbara Haselbach, co-editor main theme: Manuela Widmer
Issues Nos. 92-94 Micaela Grüner, Barbara Haselbach
Issue No. 95 Micaela Grüner, Barbara Haselbach, co-editor main theme: Shirley Salmon
Issue No. 96 Micaela Grüner, Barbara Haselbach, co-editor main theme: Monika Sigl-Raudauer
Issue No. 97 Micaela Grüner, Barbara Haselbach, Shirley Salmon
Issue No. 98 Micaela Grüner, Barbara Haselbach, Anna Maria Kalcher
Issue No. 99 Micaela Grüner, Barbara Haselbach, Anna Maria Kalcher, Shirley Salmon
Issue No. 100 Micaela Grüner, Barbara Haselbach, Anna Maria Kalcher
Issue No. 100-S.E. Micaela Grüner
Issued by:
Orff Institute, Department for Music and Dance Education,
University Mozarteum, Salzburg -
International Orff-Schulwerk Forum Salzburg
You will find an index of the issues 1 to 82 here:
Also available online clicking on the cover
# 90.
50 Jahre Orff-Schulwerk-Informationen
50 years Orff-Schulwerk-Informationen
# 91.
Welche Theorie braucht die Praxis?
Which theory supports practice?
# 92.
Die Vielfalt der Berufswelten
The Diversity of Professional Areas
# 93.
Interkulturalität in der Elementaren Musik- und Tanzerziehung
Interculturality in the Elemental Music and Dance Pedagogy
# 94.
Interkulturalität in der Elementaren Musik- und Tanzerziehung II
Interculturality in Elemental Music and Dance Pedagogy II
# 95.
Wirksame Formen vom Assessment und Evaluation
Effective forms of Assessment and Evaluation
# 96.
Performative Musik- und Tanzvermittlung
Performative Music and Dance Outreach
# 97.
Orff-Schulwerk in der Begegnung mit den modernen Künsten
Encounters between Orff-Schulwerk and modern arts
# 98.
Sprache fördern, mit Sprache gestalten
Developing language, creating with language
# 99.
Besondere Zielgruppen
Special populations
# 100.
# 100-SE.
Extra Heft
Special Edition
Also available online clicking on the cover
# 12.
# 13.
# 14.
# 15.
# 16.
# 17.
Dokumentation des Orff-Schulwerk Symposiums 1990 "Erbe und Auftrag"
Documentation of the Orff-Schulwerk Symposium 1990 "A Continuing Heritage"
# 48.
# 49.
# 50.
Musik und Tanz in der Sozial- und Heilpädagogik
Music and Dance in Social Work and Special Education
# 51.
Hommage à Hermann Regner
Hommage à Hermann Regner
# 52.
# 53.
Musik und Tanz in der Sozial- und Heilpädagogik
Music and Dance in Social Work and Special Education
# 54.
# 55.
Carl Orff zum 100. Geburtstag
Carl Orff on his 100th Anniversary
# 56.
Instrumentalpädagogik und Elementare Musik- und Tanzerziehung
Instrumental Teaching and Elemental Music and Dance Education
# 57.
Musik und Tanz im Kontext religiöser Erziehung
Music and Dance in the Context of Religious Education
# 58.
Das Berufsfeld von Musik- und Tanzerziehern
The Occupational Fields of Music and Dance Education
# 59.
Interdisziplinäre Ästhetische Erziehung
Interdisciplinary Aesthetic Education
# 60.
Das Orff-Institut –Wirkungen und Rückwirkungen
The Orff Institute - Effects and Feedback
# 61.
Kinder als Publikum - Konzerte für Kinder
Children as Audience – Concerts for Children
# 62.
Musik und Bewegung/Tanz in der Sozial- und Heilpädagogik
Music and Movement/Dance in special, integrated and community education
# 63.
Musik- und Tanzerziehung – in allen Lebensaltern und »intergenerationes«
Music- and Dance Education – Intergenerational and in all Stages of Life
# 64.
50 Jahre "Musik für Kinder" Orff-Schulwerk 1950–2000
50 years "Music for children" Orff-Schulwerk 1950–2000
# 65.
Soziales Lernen in der Musik- und Tanzerziehung
Social Learning in Music- and Dance Education
# 66.
Sprache in Musik- und Tanzerziehung
Language in Music and Dance Education
# 67.
Methodenvielfalt in der Musik- und Tanzerziehung
The Variety of Teaching Methods in Music and Dance Education
# 68.
"Neue Medien" in der Musik- und Tanzerziehung
"New Media" in Music and Dance Education
# 69.
40 Jahre Orff-Institut – „Reflexionen über …“
40 Years Orff Institute –
“Reflections on …”
# 70.
Sonderheft: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Elementaren Musik- und Tanzerziehung
Special edition: A contribution to the history of Elemental Music and Dance Education
# 71.
Musik und Tanz im Kunstmuseum
Music and Dance in an Art Museum
# 72.
Carl Orff-Schulen in Deutschland
Carl Orff-Schools in Germany
# 73.
Musik und Tanz im Dialog mit Sozialer Arbeit und Integrativer Pädagogik
Music and Dance in Dialogue with Social Work and Integrative Pedagogy
# 74.
Globalisierung und/oder eigene Kulturelle Tradition
Globalization and/or One’s Own Cultural Tradition
# 75.
Von der Elementaren Musik- und Tanzpädagogik zur Modernen Kunst?
From Elemental Music and Dance Pedagogy to Modern Art?
# 76.
Picture Books
# 77.
Instrumente gestalten - mit Instrumenten gestalten
Creating Instruments - Creating with Instruments
# 78.
Sagen und Singen - Gestalten mit der Stimme
Singing and Saying – Creating with Voice
# 79.
25 Special Course
25 Special Courses
# 80.
Musik- und Tanzgeschichte in Aktion
Music and Dance History in Action
# 81.
Musik und Bewegung/Tanz in Sozialer Arbeit und Inklusiver Pädagogik
Music and Movement/Dance in Social Work and Inclusive Pedagogy
# 82.
Tanzen und Darstellen - Gestalten mit Bewegung
Dancing and Presenting - Creating with Movement
# 83.
# 84.
Musik- und Tanztheater mit Kindern
Music and Dance Theatre with Children
# 85.
Jubiläumsausgabe: 50 Jahre Orff-Institut
Special issue: 50 Years Orff Institute
# 86.
Elementare Komposition
Elemental Composition
# 87.
Drei Säulen des Orff-Schulwerks
Three Pillars of Orff-Schulwerk
# 88.
Das Lied in der Elementaren Musik- und Tanzpädagogik
The Song in Elemental Music and Dance Pedagogy
# 89.
Fachtagung: Musik und Tanz in sozialer Arbeit und inklusiver Pädagogik (MTSI)
Convention: Music and Dance in Social Work and Inclusive Pedagogy (MDSI)